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Advanced Customer Service Masterclass
Course Description
The most vital asset of any organization is its customers. Without them, no company could exist in business. When you satisfy your customers, they not only help your organization grow by continuing to do business with you, but they are more likely to recommend you to friends and associates. Organizations which demonstrate a consistent customer service strategy, commitment to investing in a high-performance workforce and customer-focused systems enable extraordinary service delivery and enhanced customer relationships. This program has been designed to help participants develop the vital skills to manage positive customer care. With the knowledge, they will be able to deal with customers effectively, maximize their potential, and exceed their expectations.
The Training Course Will Highlight ?
  • Show your customers how important you believe they are
  • Ensure customers will enjoy dealing with you and will do more business
  • Mean you will retain more of your customers which is cheaper than recruiting new ones
  • Enable many of your customers will become advocates for your business in person and on-line creating word of mouth advertising – the most effective and cheapest kind
  • Help you stand out from your competitors
  • Make your workplace more enjoyable and so improve staff retention which saves on recruitment and training costs
Training Objective

By the end of this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Understand the need for customer care skills
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses in the organizations customer care approach
  • Ability to use influencing skills to build long term relationships with key customers
  • Describe different customer behavior styles
  • Maximize the opportunity given by a complaining customer
  • Clearly understand what exceptional customer care looks like and develop tactics to demonstrate this level of service
  • Understand the importance, and use of, the telephone, the internet and social media in delivering exceptional customer service
  • Understand how to deal effectively with anger, aggression and complaints
  • Understand the importance of security and personal security
  • Assess and analyze customer satisfaction

Target Audience

Customer Service Professionals, Managers, Public Relations Officers, Practitioners & Personnel, Quality Management Personnel, Customer Analysts, HR Professionals who have communications roles, Customer Service Representatives & Professionals, Team Leaders & Supervisors, Administrators, HR & Training Professionals, Accounts Personnel, Sales & Marketing Professionals, Marketing Managers or Directors, Sales Managers or Directors, Sales Trainers, Salespeople, Communication Specialists, Brand Managers, Frontline & Reception Staff, Customer Service Representatives (CSR), Personnel responsible for building and sustaining their company’s reputation for customer service excellence, anyone who provides services, products or information to internal, or external customers

Training Methods

Daily Agenda

The World of Customer Service Excellence

  • Excellence in customer service and what it looks like
  • Identifying how excellence in front-line customer service is delivered and managed
  • Assessing the quality of the service that you offer
  • Concepts of customer care and the customer decision process
  • Models for managing customer care
  • The psychology of customer care
  • Dealing with criticism, controlling anger and aggression
  • Understanding what your customers say about you and your organization

Gaining a Greater Understanding of Your Company’s Service Delivery

  • The connection between customer service and reputation
  • Examining the evidence for investing in excellent customer service
  • Who are your internal suppliers and customers?
  • What are the systems that help you all to deliver excellence to the customer?
  • Building lasting rapport with your customers
  • Creating a lasting first impression
  • Step into another person’s shoes to better appreciate their experiences and motivations

Communication Masterclass

  • Achieving crystal clear communication
  • Powerful listening and questioning techniques to understand what customers need
  • Typical customer behavior patterns
  • Body language clues that show how others are thinking and responding to you
  • Lenses or filters to communication
  • Communications models
  • Using perceptual positions to understand your customers’ point of view
  • Choosing communication channels to increase engagement

Managing the Delivery of Customer Service Excellence

  • Delivering a next generation customer experience
  • Developing a customer strategy
  • Change management of processes, metrics, incentives and skills to deliver the customer experience
  • Benchmarking to achieve competitive differentiation
  • Setting up internal information supply streams that flow through and around the organization
  • Knowledge management as a customer service tool
  • Using a performance management framework
  • Coaching

Action Planning to Achieve Customer Service Excellence

  • Developing a plan to deliver excellence
  • Presenting your plan to top-tier management
  • Assertiveness and what it means
  • Dealing with difficult people in an assertive way
  • Maintaining high standards of customer service
  • Reviewing the service that you offer and reacting accordingly
  • Embracing change for the good of all
  • Personal development planning

BTS attendance certificate will be issued to all attendees completing minimum of 75% of the total course duration.

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Course Rounds : (5 -Days)

Code Date Venue Fees Register
CC102-01 13-04-2025 Cairo USD 5450
CC102-02 21-07-2025 Istanbul USD 5950
CC102-03 12-10-2025 Dubai USD 5450
CC102-04 21-12-2025 Dubai USD 5450
Prices doesn't include VAT

UpComing Date

  • Start date 13-04-2025
  • End date 17-04-2025

  • Country Egypt
  • Venue Cairo

Quality Policy

 Providing services with a high quality that are satisfying the requirements
 Appling the specifications and legalizations to ensure the quality of service.
 Best utilization of resources for continually improving the business activities.

Technical Team

BTS keen to selects highly technical instructors based on professional field experience

Strengths and capabilities

Since BTS was established, it considered a training partner for world class oil & gas institution

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Abu Dhabi, UAE

1st floor, Incubator Buildingو Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, UAE


Sun to Fri 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM


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