
BTS provide expert engineering consultancy and project management services to companies within the petroleum, oil, gas, petrochemical, power and heavy industries worldwide. Services include reliability surveys and improvements, profitability improvement program including energy and yield, equipment consulting (including pressure vessels, heat exchangers, piping, machinery, fired heaters, instrumentation, controls, structures, stacks), risk informed maintenance and inspection planning, turnaround planning, fitness-for-service, project management, heavy lift, oil spill, troubleshooting process operations, plant optimization and process safety management.

Engineering Consulting

We provide expert consulting engineering services for petroleum, chemicals, oil, gas, petrochemical, environmental, high-tech, communication, power and heavy industries in all engineering fields. Services include reliability surveys and improvements, profitability improvement program including energy and yield, equipment consulting (including pressure vessels, heat exchangers, piping, machinery, fired heaters, instrumentation, controls, structures, stacks), risk informed maintenance and inspection planning, turnaround planning, fitness-for-service, project management, heavy lift, oil spill, troubleshooting process operations, plant optimization and process safety management.

CAMS Design and Implementation

Over the past 6 years BTS has built a highly effective and successful Competency Assurance Management System (CAMS) that has been used to develop and train less competent employees for many industries including Oil and Gas. Our partner’s main objective is the recruiting and development of local nationals to perform jobs to international competency standards. This results in permanently lowering operating costs and makes sustainable, and long-term contributions to the growth of the host country. Through this process, BTS has the ability and capability to assure our partners that each employee is trained to meet the competencies specified in the approved competency model for the job. The process can also be used to identify competency gaps of experienced employees and define custom training programs for each individual to eliminate any deficiencies. and define custom training programs for each individual to eliminate any deficiencies.

Management Consulting

BTS works with clients to help identify issues and solve problems using a systematic and creative approach. BTS involvement varies with the nature of the situation and the request of the client. In particular, the assignment may range from ad hoc advice on a particular problem or issue, to the design of comprehensive systems for the client as well as the evaluation and revision of existing systems. After meeting with the client and agreeing the scope of the project, a team of specialized consultants starts working with the client’s staff. Together they collect facts and data, which they then analyze using the latest techniques to identify practical solutions. After agreeing on the solutions, they train the client’s staff, assist in the implementation and help the client achieve long lasting benefits. The range of consulting services is wide and includes:

Human Resources Management

  • Job Analysis, Descriptions and Evaluation
  • Personnel Policies and Procedures
  • Organization and Manpower Planning
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Compensation/Salary Surveys
  • Competency Frameworks, Models and Dictionaries

Training & Manpower Development

  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Evaluating Training Effectiveness
  • Competency Gap Analysis
  • Audit of the Training and Development Function
  • Career Development and Succession Planning

Strategic Management

  • Strategic Planning
  • Audit of Key Performance Indicators
  • Management of Change
  • Performance Measurement and the Balanced Scorecard

Performance Management

  • Performance Management Systems
  • Competency-Based Performance Systems
  • Performance-Based Reward Systems

Organization Management

  • Organization Reviews
  • Structure Development
  • Process Mapping
  • Simplification of Work Methods and Procedures

Manpower Efficiency

  • Assessment of Employee Potential
  • Productivity, Work Standards and Manpower Levels
  • Employee Communication Strategies
  • Employee Satisfaction Surveys

Improvement Strategies

  • Total Quality Management
  • Audit of Materials Management
  • Audit of Maintenance Planning
  • Audit of Project Management

Sales & Marketing

  • Sales Management Systems
  • Customer Service Programs
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Service Quality Management

Corporate Finance & Investment

  • Financial Policies and Procedures
  • Internal Control Systems
  • Budget Systems and Manuals
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Business and Financial Forecasting
  • Pre-IPO Due Dili BTS
  • Financial Restructuring and Sensitivity Analysis
  • Design of Investment Policies
Abu Dhabi, UAE

1st floor, Incubator Buildingو Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, UAE


Sun to Fri 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Contact Us anytime!
