Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Models and Theories in Stakeholder Dialogue
Course Description
Stakeholder expectations of how companies will carry out their operations have never been higher. In former times, an organisation might have focused almost exclusively on delivering a financial return to its business owners. Nowadays communities, governments and other stakeholders clamour for their share of the rewards. They expect to see some social or economic benefit from the extraction, distribution, processing, or other productive functions that the company is involved in. There are compelling reasons for companies to understand, analyse, and mitigate negative impacts from their operations, and they are expected to go further and create significant positive outcomes for the community.
The Training Course Will Highlight ?

The 5-day participative Developing and Implementing a CSR Framework training course will assist attendees in learning about how to adopt new and better sustainable business practices to increase the social responsibility of their organisations. This BTS training course will focus on how corporate social responsibility (CSR) can deliver a positive and strategic impact on host communities and other local stakeholders, using purpose-built tools and techniques

Personal Impact

Participants in the Developing and Implementing a CSR Framework training course will develop the following competencies:

  • Identification and analysis and Stakeholders expectations and needs
  • Application of the ISO 26000 definition of Social Responsibility
  • Assessment and management of Sustainability risks
  • Assessing the corporate impact on host communities
  • Planning for Stakeholder Engagement and Management
  • Recognition of bad CSR practices in the supply chain
  • Management competencies for CSR projects
  • Measurement of positive CSR impacts
  • Reporting and communicating CSR results
  • Using tools and techniques from the SEAT toolbox

Organizational Impact

Good Corporate Social Responsibility training course can have a transformative effect, enabling the organisation to deliver positive benefits to the communities and environments that they touch. By rethinking its approach to CSR, and putting it within the wider context of sustainability, a company can build better relationships with its customers, its staff, its suppliers and the comunity environments in which it operates. This Developing and Implementing a CSR Framework BTS training course will help delegates take the right path to making their CSR initiatives value-adding and sustainable.

Training Objective

By the end of this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Learned the meaning and relevance of corporate social responsibility to their own organisation.
  • Learned tools and techniques to reduce the risks to and improve the impacts their organisations have on the communities and environments in which they operate.
  • Practiced methods to develop or improve CSR projects and programmes in their own environment.
  • Observed examples of good and bad business conduct across different economic sectors, including the resource extraction industries, and infrastructure development industries.
  • Identified where business practices within an organisation are failing to meet new expected standards.
  • Developed the building blocks of an action plan to apply the lessons learned.

Target Audience

Developing and Implementing a CSR Framework is a stimulating and practical training course appealing to a broad spectrum of executives and decision makers, in operational and strategic functions, including;

  • Professionals involved in setting up or administering corporate responsibility or sustainability programmes in industries that impact communities, such as the extractive industries.
  • Individuals involved in planning and managing infrastructure development such as road construction and maintenance, water projects, or environmental services management
  • Team members working in operational functions, including community relations, human resources, supplier or public relations, and government affairs.
  • Officials in state-owned enterprises or government ministries involved in meeting the needs of stakeholders in their communities.

Training Methods

This intensive and highly participative five-day Developing and Implementing a CSR Framework training course is intended to stimulate participants to develop and take a continuing practical interest in corporate social responsibility.
The facilitator will use a variety of methods, including individual and group practical exercises, case studies, role plays, quizzes, and discussion sessions, as well as delivering formal training. Each session will be supported by a range of CSR-related materials including case study examples across different industries.
During the week, participants will be creating the building blocks of a CSR plan which can be used as the foundation for their own CSR initiatives back in their organisations.

Daily Agenda


  • The scope of CSR
  • Profit, People, Planet – measuring the Triple Bottom Line
  • Using the ISO 26000 definition of Social Responsibility
  • Assessing Materiality to focus our CSR planning
  • Case studies of social responsibility in the extractive industries



  • How do we impact the host communities in which we operate?
  • Stakeholder expectations of our organisation
  • Assessing and managing Sustainability risks with impacted communities
  • Developing Stakeholder Engagement and Management Plans
  • Case studies on Major challenges
    • Relocation of communities
    • Mine closure



  • Sustainability risks from suppliers and vendors
  • Combating child labour in our supply chain
  • Controlling contractor abuses in construction
  • Developing a sustainable approach to sourcing raw materials
  • Creating economic benefit through local procurement and employment



  • Developing local infrastructure
  • Initiating water supply and sanitation services
  • Supporting community health and education
  • Local workforce capacity building
  • Micro-credit supporting new SMEs
  • CSR Project Case studies



  • How can we measure our success in CSR?
  • Key performance indicators to support the CSR plan
  • What should we report and why?
  • International measurement systems
    • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
    • UN Global Compact
  • Best Practice Case Study: the Socio-Economic Assessment toolbox (SEAT)

BTS attendance certificate will be issued to all attendees completing minimum of 75% of the total course duration.

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Course Rounds : (5 -Days)

Code Date Venue Fees Register
CC108-01 13-04-2025 Riyadh USD 5450
CC108-02 22-06-2025 Dubai USD 5450
CC108-03 21-09-2025 Manama USD 5450
CC108-04 14-12-2025 Dubai USD 5450
Prices doesn't include VAT

UpComing Date

  • Start date 13-04-2025
  • End date 17-04-2025

  • Country Saudi Arabia
  • Venue Riyadh

Quality Policy

 Providing services with a high quality that are satisfying the requirements
 Appling the specifications and legalizations to ensure the quality of service.
 Best utilization of resources for continually improving the business activities.

Technical Team

BTS keen to selects highly technical instructors based on professional field experience

Strengths and capabilities

Since BTS was established, it considered a training partner for world class oil & gas institution

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Abu Dhabi, UAE

1st floor, Incubator Buildingو Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, UAE


Sun to Fri 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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