Simultaneous Operations for Drilling & Production Operations (SIMOPS)
Course Description
There are multiple definitions of Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) and they all differ in the approach to defining what would constitute SIMOPS as different authors have focused on different elements of the oil and gas industry operations. Simultaneous operations can be defined as independent operations in the oilfield in which the personnel, assets, execution and incidents in any operation may impact the safety of personnel, equipment, and environment of another operation. Interaction of production and drilling operations, as they both have different command structures, increases the likelihood of incidents in both operations as the risk probability increases compared to normal operations. Before SIMOPS start, company is required to analyze the potential risks by conducting two or more critical operations at the same time. The complexity exponentially increases when two or more companies perform simultaneous operations at the same time, which was unfortunately proven by Deepwater Horizon Incident. Participants on the SIMOPS training course will acquire the following skills and knowledge: • Understanding the principles of SIMOPS, • Adequate risk assessments of SIMPOS, • Development of risk mitigation measures in case of SIMOPS activities, • Dealing with different risk perceptions and risk appetites in actors involved in SIMOPS, • Effective communication necessary for making SIMPOS efficient and safe, • Preparing the SIMOPS plan, • Creating the SIMOPS and MOPO matrix, • Implementing the SIMOPS with multiple contractors and multiple companies working together, • Understanding of Production and Drilling operations interface
The Training Course Will Highlight ?

Organizational Impact


The organizations are almost daily involved in SIMOPS operations and cannot rely on luck alone to prevent incidents from happening, individual and separate risk assessments are not sufficient in the environment where multiple operations are conducted simultaneously. The application of ISO 45001 within these environments is also a major issue, especially as the oil price volatility affects the workforce retention rate as well as the risk appetites of different companies.

This course is designed to help organizations adequately train their people to identify the risk in the simultaneous operations and prepare adequate risk mitigation or risk removal measures for the complex operations in plant industries.


Personal Impact


The participants will acquire the knowledge needed to conduct risk assessments, prepare SIMOPS plans and develop SIMOSP matrix. The delegates will also gain the full insight into the ISO 45001 standard, as well as the understanding of the interface and risks involved in drilling and production operations.

Training Objective

By the end of this training course, delegates will learn to:


  • Apply techniques to handle effectively the simultaneous operations (SIMOPS),
  • Jointly perform coordination and risk analysis efforts with other stakeholders in SIMPOS,
  • Recognize and catalogue hazards and risks involved in SIMOPS,
  • Recognize the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved,
  • Prepare the SIMOPS plan and SIMOPS matrix,
  • Use BowTie methodology for the Risk Assessment as well as the BowTieXP software,
  • Implement ISO 45001, Occupational health and safety management systems.

Target Audience

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:


  • Risk Managers,
  • EPC engineers involved in Front End Engineering and Design,
  • Plant engineers and project engineers,
  • Operations Team Leaders,
  • Reliability and integrity supervisors and engineers including safeguarding of process,
  • Technical personnel responsible for monitoring and assessing equipment maintenance and operations,
  • Supervisors responsible for maintenance and shutdown planning and implementation.


Training Methods

Participants to this training course will receive a thorough training on the subjects covered by the seminar outline with the Tutor utilizing a variety of proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques. The SIMOPS training course will be conducted through the guided work on examples and models. The delegates will be guided through the application of ISO 45001 and emphasis in the training course will be on the explanation of all technical points and providing answers to problems that are encountered in everyday industrial practice regarding the risk assessment of simultaneous operations and with focus on the interface between drilling and production activities.


Daily Agenda

Day One – SIMOPS Introduction

  • SIMOPS process and different definitions,
  • Impact of SIMOPS,
  • ISO 45001 introduction
  • Interface Control and Tracking & Monitoring requirements
  • SIMOPS and Barrier Based Safety,
  • SIMOPS and behavioral safety,
  • Workshop: Identifying the need for SIMPOS in oil and gas industry operations


Day Two – Risk Analysis, Risk Management and SIMOPS influence on Risk

  • BowTie method for risk analysis
  • Quantifying risk and Risk Matrix applications,
  • Drilling and production interface,
  • Communication between stakeholders involved in SIMOPS,
  • Risk acceptance criteria (RAC)
  • Permit to Work (PTW) System and application in SIMOPS
  • Workshop: Risk Analysis using BowTieXP software




Day Three - SIMOPS Roles, Responsibilities & Competence

  • Matrix of Responsible Personnel (RASCI) involved in SIMOPS
  • Site Project Manager
  • HSE Manager: Emergency Response Procedure (ERP)
  • SIMOPS Operations Leader (SOL)
  • Installation, Commissioning and Startup Manager
  • Task Supervisor
  • Workshop: Identifying the roles and responsibilities in BowTieXP software


Day Four – SIMOPS Operations plan

  • Operational premises influencing the SIMOPS planning,
  • Designation of responsible parties
  • SIMOPS emergency response plan and communication,
  • Establishing a clear and consistent chain of command,
  • Workshop: Developing a SIMOPS plan, MOPO matrix and SIMOPS matrix.


Day Five – SIMOPS Implementation

  • SIMOPS in Front End Engineering and Design,
  • The SIMOPS decision matrix communication, maintenance and updates,
  • Establishing simultaneous operations authority (SOA)
  • SIMOPS Life Cycle Model
  • Workshop: Case Studies and examples of positive and negative experiences in SIMOPS


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Course Rounds : (5 -Days)

Code Date Venue Fees Register
DE247-01 06-04-2025 Dubai USD 5450
DE247-02 21-07-2025 Istanbul USD 5950
DE247-03 05-10-2025 Dubai USD 5450
Prices doesn't include VAT

UpComing Date

  • Start date 06-04-2025
  • End date 10-04-2025

  • Country UAE
  • Venue Dubai

Quality Policy

 Providing services with a high quality that are satisfying the requirements
 Appling the specifications and legalizations to ensure the quality of service.
 Best utilization of resources for continually improving the business activities.

Technical Team

BTS keen to selects highly technical instructors based on professional field experience

Strengths and capabilities

Since BTS was established, it considered a training partner for world class oil & gas institution

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Abu Dhabi, UAE

1st floor, Incubator Buildingو Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, UAE


Sun to Fri 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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