Leading through VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity)
Course Description
With the advent of the ‘internet of things’ the rapid changing market places, business advances progressing faster every day, as a leader: how can you lead and manage your people, as well as your organisation, in this ever changing world? Despite being beneficial at time, these changes have brought with it increased volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity or, as it’s now known in leadership terminology as - VUCA. VUCA is now seen as the ‘new norm’, with ‘VUCA Leadership’ defining the new art and style of leadership in the 21st Century. This BTS training course will provide you with the confidence, skills and techniques to fully understand the implications of VUCA on your people and your organisation. It will enable you to conduct and apply the techniques required to master this new style and art of leadership. The course will breakdown the implications of VUCA, how to turn this into positive leadership attributes and behaviours to master VUCA, and the skills and strategy to ensure its success. By the end of the course you will have the confidence to control VUCA effectively, thereby increasing your expanding leadership knowledge and mastery. This course is essential for those who wish to learn key behavioural principles in leading people in today’s rapidly changing VUCA world.
The Training Course Will Highlight ?

This BTS training course will highlight:

  • The key components of active leadership, self-awareness and the power of emotional intelligence in leading through VUCA
  • How to recognize volatility in the business and turn this to positive vision
  • How to define uncertainty in your organisation, and turn this to understanding
  • How to understand complexity in the organisation and to turn this to clarity for your people
  • How to identify ambiguity in the business and adapt this to agility
  • The key principles and process to lead your people, teams and the organisation through VUCA
Training Objective

At the end of this course, you will learn to:

  • Understand the impact of VUCA on leading styles in today’s dynamic business
  • Critically analyze the VUCA principle
  • Apply powerful skills and techniques to lead through VUCA
  • Increase self-awareness of your leadership ability in today’s changing world
  • Apply techniques to lead, motivate and inspire individuals to their full-potential
  • Demonstrate the best leadership principles
  • Develop as an effective and efficient leader in the modern world

Target Audience

This course is suitable to a wide range of professionals in leadership roles but will greatly benefit:

  • Directors
  • Senior managers
  • Middle managers
  • Identified talent, high potentials and future leaders in the business

Training Methods

Daily Agenda

Day One: VUCA Leadership in the Modern World

  • Defining VUCA in the modern world: the ‘new norm’
  • Understanding Leadership
  • Traditional Leadership styles v VUCA Leadership
  • Emotional Intelligence and the Self-aware VUCA Leader
  • Leading through Change: key principles needed for VUCA

Day Two: VUCA - from Volatility to Vision

  • Defining ‘Volatility’ in the VUCA framework
  • Impact of volatility in the team and organisation
  • Providing effective leadership in time of volatility
  • Building rapport and developing trust
  • Turning Volatility to Vision
  • Leading people to the powerful Vision

Day Three: VUCA - from Uncertainty to Understanding

  • Factors effecting uncertainty
  • Understand your team and organisation dynamics
  • Key communication principles to gain understanding
  • Coaching and Mentoring to combat and control uncertainty
  • Leading understanding in the workplace

Day Four: VUCA - from Complexity to Clarity

  • Why so complex?
  • Check and clarify: the keys to gain clarity
  • Using RACI to define roles and responsibilities
  • Creative thinking to gain clarity
  • Problem solving and decision making methods to aid clarity
  • Communicating clarity to your people

Day Five: VUCA - from Ambiguity to Agility

  • Defining ambiguity v agility in VUCA
  • Reactive v Pro-active strategies in the workplace
  • Continuous Improvement: adapt and agile
  • Developing an agile team: empowerment
  • Organisation agility
  • Summary
  • Next steps

BTS attendance certificate will be issued to all attendees completing minimum of 80% of the total course duration

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Course Rounds : (5 -Days)

Code Date Venue Fees Register
MAN247-01 11-05-2025 Dubai USD 5450
MAN247-02 10-08-2025 Dubai USD 5450
MAN247-03 12-10-2025 Dubai USD 5450
MAN247-04 14-12-2025 Cairo USD 5450
Prices doesn't include VAT

UpComing Date

  • Start date 11-05-2025
  • End date 15-05-2025

  • Country UAE
  • Venue Dubai

Quality Policy

 Providing services with a high quality that are satisfying the requirements
 Appling the specifications and legalizations to ensure the quality of service.
 Best utilization of resources for continually improving the business activities.

Technical Team

BTS keen to selects highly technical instructors based on professional field experience

Strengths and capabilities

Since BTS was established, it considered a training partner for world class oil & gas institution

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Abu Dhabi, UAE

1st floor, Incubator Buildingو Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, UAE


Sun to Fri 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM


Contact Us anytime!
