Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines
Course Description
The level of competition in current business environments requires a focus on practices that assist in management of personal and work group tasks, priorities and projects. All types of organizations need to find more productive means to offer their products and/or services, so goals are established and tasks assigned to better meet customer and stakeholder needs. A focus on the use of productive practices allows for effective and efficient management of project work, establishing priorities and meeting deadlines and is an important part of customer service.
The Training Course Will Highlight ?

This course presents:

  • management principles and concepts which allow participants to learn techniques to better manage assigned tasks,
  • techniques to establish priorities for work and be able to meet crucial deadlines,
  • management methods, processes and procedures to be more productive when working on projects,
  • techniques on how to interact better with others to complete tasks,
  • opportunities to practice on several key task and project management techniques.
Training Objective

By the end of this course, delegates will learn about:

  • Understand and develop skills necessary to get assigned work completed on time.
  • Recognize the internal and external influences on our daily work.
  • Use basic planning project tools to plan work strategy.
  • Use controlling process techniques to manage priorities of work.
  • Learn how to establish and maintain project deadlines.
  • Learn systematic tracking techniques to keep tasks running smoothly
  • Understand personal work style and how to work interdependently with others. 
  • Understand the characteristics of colleagues who assist in our work assignments.
  • Develop positive interpersonal techniques for better management of our work.
  • Use basic management knowledge and skills to achieve greater work productivity.
  • Manage a work assignment from idea to implementation.

Target Audience

The course is designed for a person who desires to learn practical management techniques that will assist them in completing work tasks, establishing and maintaining priorities and meeting deadlines for work and projects. The course is appropriate for new management professionals, and to anyone who have an interest in management position.

Training Methods

This course is an interactive mixture of lecture, discussion, activities and practice on several management skills.  It provides definitions, examples, discussion and activities designed to promote skill building with interaction and discussion among participants.  Activities and work on a practice case study are used to deliberately highlight the concepts taught and allow participants to practice new skills.

Daily Agenda

Day 1—Introduction of Work Task Concepts

  • Introductions
  • Course purpose, goals and objectives
  • Overview and context of management of work assignments
  • Identifying project and project management work
  • Understand how work gets done in organizations
  • Review of management processes and skill areas
  • Using a work assignment process to initiate a task

Day 2—Importance of Planning in Management of Work Tasks

  • Integrating a scope, work structure and management plan in assignments
  • Identifying initial resource requirements and task durations
  • Identifying risk techniques that affect work assignments, priorities and deadlines
  • Communication that responds to: who, what where, when, how, why
  • Understanding the importance of quality planning in work assignments

Day 3—Setting Priorities and Deadlines in the Work Schedule

  • Using planning to ensure task priorities are established
  • Planning for time management, scheduling and meeting deadlines
  • Integrating the functions into a final work plan
  • Using effective work status and review meetings
  • Using techniques to track project priorities and deadlines
  • Ensuring tasks are completed timely and completely

Day 4—Identifying Skills required to Successfully Navigate through Work Assignments

  • Identifying skills required to obtain the help of others on work tasks
  • The importance of delegating in completing work tasks
  • The importance of interpersonal skill in delivering on a project’s priorities and deadlines
  • Identifying interpersonal work styles
  • The importance of effective communication in completing a work task

Day 5—Using Interpersonal Skills to Personally Manage One’s Work

  • Learning the working styles of work group members
  • Using diverse behavior styles to meet personal goals and schedules
  • Learning techniques to use communication for success in a work assignment
  • Understand the characteristics of effective work groups
  • Identifying techniques to assess personal and work group performance

BTS attendance certificate will be issued to all attendees completing minimum of 75% of the total course duration.

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Course Rounds : (5 -Days)

Code Date Venue Fees Register
MAN167-01 20-04-2025 Casablanca USD 5950
MAN167-02 15-06-2025 Dubai USD 5450
MAN167-03 17-08-2025 Dammam USD 5450
MAN167-04 16-11-2025 Dubai USD 5450
Prices doesn't include VAT

UpComing Date

  • Start date 20-04-2025
  • End date 24-04-2025

  • Country Morocco
  • Venue Casablanca

Quality Policy

 Providing services with a high quality that are satisfying the requirements
 Appling the specifications and legalizations to ensure the quality of service.
 Best utilization of resources for continually improving the business activities.

Technical Team

BTS keen to selects highly technical instructors based on professional field experience

Strengths and capabilities

Since BTS was established, it considered a training partner for world class oil & gas institution

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Abu Dhabi, UAE

1st floor, Incubator Buildingو Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, UAE


Sun to Fri 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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