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Fluid Catalytic Cracking in Petroleum Refineries Efficient and Reliable Operations
Course Description
Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) is one of the most crucial conversion processes in a petroleum refinery and plays a vital role in an integrated refinery. The FCC process will be likely used for biofuels and possibly for reducing CO2 emissions. The fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) is a critical asset in refineries, requiring optimized processes in the context of engineering design to process a wide variety of feeds. The operation of the cat cracker must also be adjusted and maintained at optimum conditions for maximum profitability. This BTS training course will cover the FCC process. FCC unit converts feedstocks into valuable products, FCC feedstock quality and cracking, cracking technology and maximizing FFCU, and troubleshooting deals with identifying and solving problems. This training course will highlight: FCC process in petroleum refinery Process control and feed characterization Reactions chemistry and FCC performance Cracking technology and maximize FFCU Troubleshooting
The Training Course Will Highlight ?

Organisational Impact

The organisational impact will be demonstrated by the employees participating in this training course:

  • Understanding the process incorporates most phases of chemical engineering fundamentals in petroleum refinery.
  • Better understanding to control operation unit safely, optimizing feed rate, product qualities, and environmental controls.
  • A clear understanding of feed physical properties is essential to successful work in troubleshooting, catalyst selection, unit optimization, and any planned revamp.
  • Gain new insight and up-to-date of different FCC catalyst technologies on the market today.
  • Enhance the knowledge of selective modifications of the unit's components to increase reliability, flexibility, and product selectivity and reduce emissions.
  • Useful and timely troubleshooting relate to the feedstock quality, catalyst properties, operating conditions, reactor yields, pressure balance, and equipment performance parameters.

Personal Impact

Upon completion of this BTS training course, participants will gain:

  • Improve knowledge of chemical engineering fundamentals in petroleum refinery
  • How to control FFCU operations safely, optimizing feed rate, product qualities, and environmental controls
  • Improved the skill and knowledge of troubleshooting, catalyst selection, unit optimization, and any planned revamp
  • Fundamental understanding of catalyst technology and getting the latest information and up-to-date to improve maximization
  • Gain the knowledge of selective modifications of the unit's components to maximize of FFCU
  • Managing troubleshooting all components in FFC including a performance with effectively and timely


Training Objective

At the end of this training course, you will learn to:

  • Understanding the FCC process and incorporate chemical engineering fundamentals in petroleum refinery.
  • Explain for process control operation and feed physical properties
  • Describe the chemistry of reactions and FCC performance to optimizing feed rate and product qualities
  • Understanding of cracking technology the latest development and maximize FFCU
  • Understanding of troubleshooting with effective and timely

Target Audience

This BTS training course is designed for management level and operations staff that want to gain insight and knowledge of FCC operations and maximize FFCU.

This training course is suitable for a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Plant managers
  • Supervisors
  • Team leaders
  • Operations staff
  • Engineers
  • The personnel who wish to gain overview and insight of FFC


Training Methods

How will this Training Course be Presented?

Participants in this BTS training course will receive thorough training on the subjects covered by the seminar outline with the Tutor utilizing various proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques. Seminar methodology includes classroom-style with highly interactive, exercise, and case studies. The training course will be run using a PowerPoint slide and video.

Daily Agenda

Day One: FCC Process

  • Refining processes
  • Refineries configuration
  • Fluidization and FCCU
  • The reactor regenerator
  • Partial versus complete combustion
  • The FCC gas plant
  • Product treating
  • LPG
  • Ultra-low sulfur gasoline (ULSG)

Day Two: Process Control and Feed Characterization

  • FCCU process control
  • Basic process control
  • Advanced process control
  • Hydrocarbon classification
  • Feedstock properties
  • Feedstock impurities
  • Metals

Day Three: Reactions Chemistry and FCC Performance

  • Thermal cracking reactions
  • Catalytic reactions
  • Material balance
  • Heat balance
  • Pressure balance
  • Case study

Day Four: Cracking Technology and Maximize FFCU

  • Reaction technologies
  • Stripping technology
  • Regeneration technology
  • Resid catalytic cracking
  • Maximize FFCU performance

Day Five: Troubleshooting

  • Effective troubleshooting
  • Catalyst losses
  • Coking/fouling
  • Hot gas expanders
  • Increase in afterburn

BTS attendance certificate will be issued to all attendees completing minimum of 80% of the total course duration.

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Course Rounds : (5 -Days)

Code Date Venue Fees Register
PE176-02 18-05-2025 Jeddah USD 5450
PE176-03 25-08-2025 Istanbul USD 5950
PE176-04 16-11-2025 Dubai USD 5450
Prices doesn't include VAT

UpComing Date

  • Start date 18-05-2025
  • End date 22-05-2025

  • Country Saudi Arabia
  • Venue Jeddah

Quality Policy

 Providing services with a high quality that are satisfying the requirements
 Appling the specifications and legalizations to ensure the quality of service.
 Best utilization of resources for continually improving the business activities.

Technical Team

BTS keen to selects highly technical instructors based on professional field experience

Strengths and capabilities

Since BTS was established, it considered a training partner for world class oil & gas institution

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Abu Dhabi, UAE

1st floor, Incubator Buildingو Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, UAE


Sun to Fri 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM


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