Course Description
Planning and scheduling of maintenance work is central to a well functioning maintenance organization. In order for maintenance planning and scheduling to work many other systems need to work well. Most importantly equipment inspections, predictive maintenance, technical database including bill of materials, work order history, and standard job plans have to be in place. The maintenance function must also be supported by an efficient spare parts procurement, storage and control function. Ensuring basics are in place such as good backlog practices, an effective prioritization system, proficient planning practices, and a functioning scheduling system between operations and maintenance. The effectiveness of planning and scheduling and the often strained relationship between maintenance and operations must improve dramatically. Maintenance must assume its rightful place as a high leverage contributor to business performance. Data recorded in the CMMS must be structured in such a manner that it can feed the decision makers with decision support information. Performance indicators relevant to maintenance must highlight deficiencies and the underlying detail can then be used to pinpoint the causes.
The Training Course Will Highlight ?
Training Objective

After completing these workshop learners will better understand:

  • How physical assets and physical asset management affects the business
  • The eight major losses and where they originate from
  • Why maintenance has to maintain the functions and performance standards of assets
  • How functions and performance standards are lost or degraded
  • The risks associated with failure and degradation
  • How degradation occurs in terms of normal and accelerated
  • How to apply failure management policies/tactics/strategies to reduce the risk of failure and degradation
  • How the defiance and neglect of optimal equipment conditions causes PM programmes to fail
  • The role of the operations in the early detection of defects and deterioration
  • The role of the maintainer as coach and provider of specialised maintenance services
  • The importance of reporting all forms of abnormality and deterioration using a formal system
  • The elements of job planning including standards, logistics, documentation, spares,  quality, etc
  • How to determine scheduling capacity and exploit opportunities for maintenance
  • How to develop a weekly maintenance schedule with the commitment of operations  and all role players to ensure compliance with the routine maintenance programme and the reduction of risk
  • Assign work to the most appropriate level of maintenance
  • The importance of maintaining the maintenance backlog at an optimum levels
  • How recording structured data enables chronic failures and losses to be identified
  • How to develop and implement a set of performance indicators for physical asset management
  • The focused improvement process

Target Audience

Delegates should represent a wide range of personnel in the organization who are involved in, or dependent on, effective maintenance planning, scheduling and work control.

These should include:

  • Maintenance Managers
  • Maintenance Engineers and Engineers in Training
  • Maintenance schedulers
  • Maintenance planners
  • Planning and Scheduling Support Staff
  • Heads of Maintenance and Superintendants
  • Senior Operations Supervisors
  • CMMS Administrators and Super users
  • Other stakeholders in the Work Planning Function.

Training Methods

This interactive Training will be highly interactive, with opportunities to advance your opinions and ideas and will include;

  • Lectures
  • Workshop & Work Presentation
  • Case Studies and Practical Exercise
  • Videos and General Discussions

Daily Agenda

Module One

    what do organizations generally expect from physical assets?
    How physical asset management affects the capability of an organization to make money. What does making money mean?
    What happens when organizations defy best practice physical asset management?
    Physical asset management facts and fallacies
  • Physical Asset Identification and Classification
    Functional Location
    Bill of Material
    Criticality Grading
  • Functions and Performance Standards
    Primary and inherent functions
    Protective devices
    Performance standards
    Design or desired standards?
  • Functional Failures
    Total failure
    Partial failure
    Failure Modes and Mechanisms
    Practical Exercise: Failure Modes
  • Failure Effects and Risk
    Types of risk
    Risk grading
    Hidden failure risk
  • Understand Failure Mechanisms and Their Causes
    Normal deterioration
    Accelerated deterioration
    Age/usage related failure patterns and related mechanisms
    Abrasion, erosion, corrosion, fatigue, contamination, additive depletion, etc.
    Random failure patterns and related mechanisms
    Infant mortality pattern and related mechanisms
    Human error
  • Failure Management Policies/Strategies/Tactics
    Routine Maintenance
    Operate to failure
    Once-off changes
  • Failure Management Policies Selection Diagram
    Practical application of the diagram
  • Types of Routine Maintenance
    Preventive maintenance
    Condition based (Predictive)
    Function testing / failure finding

Module Two

  • Preventive Maintenance
    Feasibility criteria
  • Condition Based Maintenance
    Condition Monitoring
    Performance Monitoring
    Product Monitoring
    Inspection using human senses
    Degradation analysis
    Feasibility criteria
    Practical application
    The role of the operator and user
  • Function Testing/Failure Finding
    Fail-to-safe devices
    Feasibility of function testing
    Feasibility of failure finding
    Practical application
  • Once-off Changes
    Improve capability of maintainer or operator
    Improve procedures (Operating, maintaining, procurement, etc)
    Improve design (configuration change)
    Maintainability improvements
  • Operate to Failure
    Physical and financial risks
  • Role Clarification
  • Review PAM Facts and Fallacies
    Why Failure Management Policies Fail
    Legacy conditions render policies ineffective
    Correcting the sins of the past
  • Audit checklists to support the auditing process
    Practical Exercise Lowest Risk Policy Selection

Module Three

    Obtain the Resources to Implement Failure Management Policies Effectively
    Develop RASCI matrix for all PAM activities including levels or repair
    Determine skill requirements, assess current skills and design training to bridge gap
    Determine facilities, specialised tools, support equipment requirements, procure and deploy as required
  • Implement Systems to Ensure that Resources are Managed Efficiently
    CMMS master data for physical assets, BOM and documentation
    CMMS master data for resources
    CMMS master data for spares and materials
    CMMS master data for routine maintenance
    CMMS master data for work status progression
  • Notifications, Work Requesting and Defect Reporting
    Identify work by means off notifications or corrective action requests (CARs)
    Notification process, roles and principles 
    Problems with notifications
    Work priority policy guideline
  • Notification/Corrective Action Request System Characteristics
    Why a standard system for the whole organization?
    Accessible 24/7 to all people that interface with physical assets
    Only means of raising work, reporting deviations, failures, abnormalities
  • Planning
    Reasons and benefits of planning
    The three critical outcomes of a maintenance job
    Planning for quality
    Job scoping
    Condition found, condition left criteria
    Job templating
    Planning checklist
  • Schedule Work
    Reason and benefits of scheduling
    Scheduling success factors
    Role of operations, planning and supervisor in scheduling
    Capacity planning
    Exploiting windows of opportunity
    Develop Draft Master Schedule 
    Conduct Master Schedule Review Meeting 
    Final Master Schedule and Implementation
    Backlog Management
    Spares reservations and procurement
    Schedule Work Practical Exercise
  • Allocate Work
    Options for allocation, allocation and scheduling boards
    Resources per section
    Resource pooling versus resources dedicated to sections
  • Work Execution and Feedback
    Organise the daily workload and logistics 
    Dealing with breakdowns and unplanned work 
    Fault finding and cause identification 
    Work quality control measures 
    Recommission and sign over 
    Job card feedback and analysis

Module Four

    and Control
    Sources of PAM information
  • Management Levels and Information
    RASCI specific information
  • Audits
    The role of auditing
    Types of audits
    Advantages of auditing
    Disadvantages of auditing
    Types of audits
  • Performance Indicators
    Performance indicator criteria
    Setting Targets
    Setting Ranges
  • PAM Balanced Scorecard
    Workload Performance Indicators 
    Planning Performance Indicators 
    Effectiveness Performance Indicators 
    Cost Performance Indicators
  • Performance Indicator Practical Exercise
  • Focused Improvement
    Identify improvement topic
    Understand situation
    Expose and eliminate abnormalities
    Analyse causes
    Plan improvement
    Implement improvement
    Evaluate results
    Consolidate gains

BTS attendance certificate will be issued to all attendees completing minimum of 80% of the total course duration.

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Course Rounds : (5 -Days)

Code Date Venue Fees Register
MI169-02 01-06-2025 Dubai USD 5450
MI169-03 10-08-2025 Amman USD 5450
MI169-04 23-11-2025 Riyadh USD 5450
Prices doesn't include VAT

UpComing Date

  • Start date 01-06-2025
  • End date 05-06-2025

  • Country UAE
  • Venue Dubai

Quality Policy

 Providing services with a high quality that are satisfying the requirements
 Appling the specifications and legalizations to ensure the quality of service.
 Best utilization of resources for continually improving the business activities.

Technical Team

BTS keen to selects highly technical instructors based on professional field experience

Strengths and capabilities

Since BTS was established, it considered a training partner for world class oil & gas institution

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Abu Dhabi, UAE

1st floor, Incubator Buildingو Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, UAE


Sun to Fri 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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